
Debo reconocer avergonzado que dejé de ser un lector habitual hace una temporada larga. Sin embargo, sigo teniendo la esperanza de volver a la costumbre de devorar libros de forma regular.

Por el momento, le echaré un vistazo al siguiente libro, visto en OzzyHead.com:

I just stumbled accross a great book on Randy Rhoads written by Diane Pearson. Apparently this book was due to be printed a few years back, but for some reason never saw the light of day.

It’s entitled «Inspirations ? The Randy Rhoads Legacy», and it features a ton of interviews with fans and people who worked closely with the great late Rhoads, such as:

Kelly Garni (Quiet Riot)
Kevin DuBrow (Quiet Riot)
Keith Lynch (Guitarist for Bill Ward)
Ronnie Ciago (Drummer for Bill Ward)
Barry Sparks (Michael Schenker Group, Yngwie Malmsteen)
Wally Farkas (Galactic Cowboys)
Marty Friedman (Megadeth)
Rudy Sarzo (Quiet Riot/Ozzy)
Tommy Aldridge (Ozzy)
Bernie Torme (Ozzy)
Eric Turner (Warrant)

…and best of all, it’s free:

Download this 242 page book in Microsoft Word format at this location before it is gone forever! (Right click to save it!)

A ver si me sirve de inspiración para tocar el «Crazy Train» en el Cobijo del Tema Anónimo del Club Musical Delta.