301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently

301 Moved Permanently



Al menos eso dijo hace algo más de un mes en una entrevista concedida a Mojo. Lean, lean:

I hate my singing. I don’t like the way I sing. It all sounds like I’m 16 years old from Surbiton. I do my best to try and feel it. You know, when I watch Ray Charles sing, I think, That’s it, that’s how it’s done. He remembers thousands of songs and he sings them all as if they’re the most important song he knows. It’s not like reading it, or doing it like somebody else. He does it from the bottom of his heart, every time, every song. And that’s, that’s the inspiration. That’s my influence. But I’m, I’m imbued with so much self-doubt about my singing, that it’s very difficult for me to get to that freedom that those kinds of singers have.

4 comentarios.

  1. 1.

    Pues en España sale hoy su nuevo disco creo, y lleva su nombre, tampoco cantará tan mal, jajaja

  2. 3.

    El tío ya es perro viejo, que experiencia no le falta. Con ello, a estas alturas de partido imagino que no le importará descubrir ciertas cartas suyas encima de la mesa que pueden ayudar a comprenderle mejor… sinceridad en el rock vaya!