
Tras una pequeña reseña, gentileza de Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles:

As part of an exclusive in-studio chat with BW&BK Magazine, ANNIHILATOR guitar legend Jeff Waters shares a humorous tale from his past while he was growing up in Ottawa, ON in the early ’80s:

«IRON MAIDEN were playing here for the Number Of The Beast tour,» Waters reminisces. «I skipped school so I could be at the Record Runner in Ottawa to get tickets to the Maiden show. I didn’t give a shit about school. I waited until 9:30 in the morning on a Friday until the thing opened, got the tickets. The show was the next day and there was an in-store signing at Record Runner and I had smuggled this bottle of Coca Cola that I had filled with my neighbors booze, where I was baby sitting – I went into all liquor cabinets and emptied a part of each bottle in this Coke bottle. We called it fire water back then. This bottle was full, in my jean jacket and I was so nervous in seeing Clive Burr (drums), seeing (Bruce) Dickinson (vocals), all those guys. I was about ten people away from getting my autograph and the fuckin’ thing slipped out of my jacket and shattered all over the floor and covered everyone with liquor. What I did – I immediately back up and pointed to the big ass guy in front of me in line and said ‘Oh, what the fuck did you do that for!’ And Dickinson stood up and said ‘What the fuck is going on.’ Security and police came and took that big guy out and threw him out of the lineup. Three minutes later I’m up at the table and Steve Harris (bass) asks ‘what the fuck was going on there’, cuz I was complaining about all this liquor on me. I said, ‘Some asshole dropped a bottle of booze’. So I went to the show and it was the coolest thing I ever saw.»

Watch for a major Annihilator in-studio feature to appear in BW&BK #92, out in early October. As previously reported, Annihilator?s 11th studio album, entitled Schizo Deluxe, will be released on October 21st in Japan through Marquee Inc., November 8th in the US by Locomotive/Warner, November 8th in Canada by PHD and on November 14th in Europe via AFM. To view the artwork head to this location.