Una buena noticia para empezar la semana, directa desde la página web de Blind Guardian:
Hello my friends,
although time keeps on ticking quickly, things go very well in the Guardian camp. To be more precise: we are still on schedule and even though everyone is totally busy and concentrated the atmosphere is very lifely and still relaxed to a certain extend:-) The material for the single will be accomplished at the end of November. To make that happen this particular stuff will get most of our attention for the next 4 weeks. Everyone is already involved in the recording process and we are really excited about the album ?s progression. It is too early to say when we will be finished exactly, but I would say a worldwide release in the first half of 2006 is very realistic. Things look (sound – as well) very promising. At the moment we are also getting deeper into details such as album title, cover, etc… So, we are about to scratch the most important phase of the recording session and we do not intend to leave you out … Please, let us work on it a little longer, so we can fix things technically. You will be provided with footage, that is for sure.