
Sigo con la limpieza de los posts que tenía en la recámara. Para los que, como Slash o yo, disfrutamos con las bandas sonoras de los clásicos de Disney, aquí dejo un par de entradas antiguas de Boing Boing que tenía pendiente de señalar:

  1. Disney music covers blog:

    Covering the Mouse is an MP3 blog that focuses on cover versions of Disney songs, with extensive notes on the original songs and the context in which the cover arose […] Link (via The Disney Blog)

  2. Non-Disney Disney songs:

    Dan sez, «The swell blog ‘Isn’t Life Terrible’ has a small yet perfectly formed collection of non-Disney Disney songs available for download, including an apparently non-ironic ditty about how nifty it is to be a Walt Disney World annual passholder (or, as the Disney cast members will call you, ‘passhole’). There are also couple of choir numbers from Rev. Billy’s Church of Stop Shopping, spoken bits, and a nice parody of Randy Newman’s transformation from a snarky satirist into the sappiest Disney songwriter since Mousketeer Jimmy Dodd.» Link (Thanks, Dan!)