Avisado por Iván, me veo en la necesidad de replicar parte de los contenidos de esta entrada en CONELRAD. Recomiendo esta presentación a los que lean esta entrada directamente en mi blog, si queda alguno.
La imagen junto a estas líneas es la de la portada de un libro real, titulado «Communism, hypnotism and the Beatles: An analysis of the Communist use of music, the Communist master music plan» y escrito por un tal reverendo David A. Noebel allá por 1965. Permítanme reproducir algunos extractos:
«El plan» comunista.
The Communists, through their scientists, educators and entertainers, have contrived an elaborate, calculating and scientific technique directed at rendering a generation of American youth useless through nerve-jamming, mental deterioration and retardation. The plan involves conditioned reflexes, hypnotism and certain kinds of music. The results, destined to destroy our nation, are precise and exacting. Little wonder the Kremlin maintains it will not raise the Red flag over America—the Americans will raise it themselves. If the following scientific program destined to make our children mentally sick is not exposed, mentally degenerated Americans will indeed raise the Communist flag over their own nation!
«Esa música» y sus efectos en la juventud.
The music isn’t “art-form” at all, but a very destructive process. Teenage mental breakdown is at an all time high and juvenile delinquency is nearly destroying our society. Both are caused in part by emotional instability which in turn is caused in part by destructive music such as rock and roll and certain kinds of jazz. But no matter what one might think about the Beatles or the Animals or the Mindbenders, the results are the same—a generation of young people with sick minds, loose morals and little desire or ability to defend themselves from those who would bury them.
Plan de choque.
Throw your Beatle and rock and roll records in the city dump. We have been unashamed of being labeled a Christian nation; let’s make sure four mop-headed anti-Christ beatniks don’t destroy our children’s emotional and mental stability and ultimately destroy our nation as Plato warned in his Republic.
Se ve que le cogió el gustillo a escribir sobre esto porque posteriormente publicó «Rhythm, riots, and revolution;: An analysis of the Communist use of music, the Communist master music plan» (1966), «The Beatles: A Study in Drugs, Sex, & Revolution» (un panfleto de 1969), «The Marxist Minstrels: A Handbook on Communist Subversion of Music» (1974) y «The Legacy of John Lennon: Charming or Harming a Generation?» (1982).
Los hay que se aburren mucho.